Must Have Items for Every New York Militia™
Member, Family, Friend, or Fan.
Official NY Militia™ Merchandise Coming Soon, including clothing and SWAG!
Please Note: All purchase requests or questions about items listed herein (except NY Militia™ BRANDED products) should be submitted to the Regiment Quartermasters via the button below.
All orders (except NY Militia™ BRANDED products) must be reviewed and approved for compliance with NY Militia™ policies and
guidelines, therefore ordering items directly from
this Post Exchange page is not permitted.
The New York Militia™: Our Mission
“The New York Militia shall stand unyielding for the cause of Liberty and vigilant in defense of our families, communities, state, and Constitutional Republic. Our mission is to assemble and make ready like-minded patriots for the purpose of
survival training, preparedness, and regional defense, united with common purpose."
survival training, preparedness, and regional defense, united with common purpose."

US Army Coordinate & Scale Protractor