The Four Boxes Used to Defend Liberty
Soap Box
From H.R.5087 - 2018 Assault Weapons Ban to the POTUS Scrapping Due ProcessIn the words of Publius Huldah, "All Federal Gun Control is Unlawful!" In the video below, she goes through the history of the federal government’s unlawful actions to regulate firearms in America. “Take the guns first, go through due process second” President Trump ... voiced support for confiscating guns from certain individuals deemed to be dangerous, even if it violates due process rights. Ballot Box
Delegate Nick Freitas (who is running for U.S. Senate in Virginia) gave a historical speech on the floor of the of the VA House of Delegates in opposition to Rude Gun-Grabbing DemsIn the video below, Delegate Nick Freitas (Culpeper, R-30) gives an incredible speech to the Virginia House of Delegates which was a historic rant addressing an open and honest debate about school shootings, gun free zones, government social programs contributing to broken homes which may spawn a mass shooter, gun violence and murders in cities with stringent gun laws and bans, and the liberal gun-grab agenda. This speech was largely in favor of the Second Amendment and condemning the constant partisan rhetoric from the other side of the political aisle. “You can’t fix everything through government force and coercion. Genuine liberty and genuine freedom is about living and let live. Coexistence is resisting the urge to coerce those whom you can’t convince.” “When I think of the constitution I’m talking about a contract; a contract that was signed by the states and (the delegates) in the creation of the federal government, and I look at it as a legally binding document. I think it’s interesting when Supreme Court justices talk about how the constitution evolves, or is based off of evolving standards of decency, or is a living document, and I always look at it like “No, it’s a legal document”! I’m pretty sure that if your bank came in and told you that “Hey, we’re gonna raise the percentage rate on your mortgage because of evolving standards of decency”, I’m pretty sure the Supreme Court justices would be pretty upset by that. So, it’s a contract. That’s what the constitution is, and it’s incredibly important especially as we look at the 9th and 10th amendments with respect to what is the scope of the federal government and the role it’s supposed to play in our lives. And it’s actually supposed to be very limited. It’s very important, but it’s very limited. And, the more the federal government grows beyond that contractual obligation that it signed with the states, the more it not only perverts the things that it’s supposed to do, but it really fails the American people as a result." |
Jury Box
Editorial by Executive Director Erich Pratt
When the 2A is Eroded, the BOR and Liberty Itself Will Fall |
MAR03 |
Editorial by LTC Steven "HAVOC" Terry
As President Trump gives the State of the Union address on Tuesday night, I’d like to bring you up to speed with the State of Our Gun Rights in January, 2018.
For starters, the State of our Union is ... 1,000% better than it was almost 13 months ago under Barack Obama… But not nearly good enough.
Under Barack Obama, we were fighting a new rule that would troll Social Security disability rolls for names to send to the NICS gun-ban
So, again, the State of the Union is better. But not good enough.
29 January 2018
"There are four boxes to be used in the defense of Liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo.
Please use in that order." - Stephen Decatur Miller
The soap box represents exercising one's right to freedom of speech to influence politics to defend liberty.
The ballot box represents exercising one's right to vote to elect a government which defends liberty.
The jury box represents using the right of jury nullification to refuse to convict someone being
prosecuted for breaking an unjust law that decreases liberty.
The cartridge box represents exercising one's right to keep and bear arms to oppose,
in armed conflict, a government that decreases liberty.
The four boxes (in that order) represent increasingly forceful
(and increasingly controversial) methods of political action.
-- NY Militia™ (via various web and wiki sources)
The New York Militia™: Our Mission
The New York Militia™ shall ever stand vigilant for the cause of Liberty, in defense of our families, communities, state, and Constitutional Republic. Our mission is to assemble and make ready like minded patriots for the purpose of survival training, preparedness, and regional defense, but also promote our unit as a well regulated civilian organization composed of citizens of New York, united with common purpose.